Your online voucher number will be sent to you in an email You can redeem your voucher by shopping online and utilising your voucher number during the payment process. Please remember that no change will be offered – so you will need to utilise the exact amount of the voucher. You can utilise more than the voucher – and pay for the balance via credit card or EFT. Vouchers numbers will be sent to your via email. Please keep these numbers in a safe place as they can be regarded as cash. Voucher numbers will take 24-48 hours to be sent to you.
Your online voucher number will be sent to you in an email You can redeem your voucher by shopping online and utilising your voucher number during the payment process. Please remember that no change will be offered – so you will need to utilise the exact amount of the voucher. You can utilise more than the voucher – and pay for the balance via credit card or EFT. Vouchers numbers will be sent to your via email. Please keep these numbers in a safe place as they can be regarded as cash. Voucher numbers will take 24-48 hours to be sent to you.